Friday, 31 March 2017

How Onion Helps to Grow Hair

When do you think of your beauty what is that thing which comes to your mind first? Your answer would probably the hair and rightly so as your hair plays an imperative role in how you are going to look, whether anyone would like you or not. Today the hair problem is one of the most common problems across the world and almost everyone gets affected with this problem at least once in their lifetime.
Hair problem is a group of many hair related problems that affects your hair in myriad ways and these problems are often preventable but people don’t pay much attention towards their hair and this can deteriorate your hair condition to the worse. Hair fall, gray hair, dandruff, thin hair and other hair problems fall under the category of hair problems. Hair fall is one of the most detrimental problems among all hair problems. This is a condition where you start losing your hair and it can disperse all your hair at once if you start losing your hair excessively. You may have seen some of the bald people roaming your vicinity and even may have imagined that what if this problem onset on you, you probably get perturbed and don’t want that type of onset in you and this is what I am trying to make you understand that your hair is a very precious thing that you should not lose at any cost.cost.

Your hair needs extreme and diligent care in order to get maintained and you should leave no stone unturned in order to be inquisitive in order to know what is good for your hair and what may harm your hair. You may have heard the word onion, right but far you are not related with onion then it could be trouble for you.
Onion is something that is not being loved just because of its pungent and hard taste and it makes your breath smell like hell that you don’t want at any cost but the other side of the coin is that despite its pungent taste and post eating experience is not good but these drawbacks cannot outweigh the benefits it provides from its bag. Today we are going to discuss those benefits that that will surely encourage you to use this miraculous vegetable and those benefits are enumerated below:

Onion for Hair Loss: Onion belongs to the allium family and the vegetables related to this family are usually very rich in sulfur-containing compounds which are responsible for myriad health benefits it provides to its consumers. According to Dr. Bhardwaj, a physician practicing in India- "We must remember polyphenols are one of the largest categories of phytonutrients in food and the highest content of it is found in onions! A wide variety of allyl sulfides is found in onion, including the four major diallyl sulfides." Therefore using onion in hair care can work like a panacea and you will no longer be the victim of hair problems.

Nourishes Your Hair: Regular use of onion on your hair will help nourish your skin. When hair problems start it automatically weaken your scalp and your hair follicles get weaken as well. Your scalp is the base of your hair so you should consider treating your scalp first so that the base of your hair can be nourished. Onion can help bring all those nutritional values back again on your scalp and your scalp will be nourished as accordance.

3.    Breakage and Thinning: Thinning of hair is also one of the common problems and this may result in excessive breakage of your hair. Applying onion paste on your scalp and hair will minimize the risk of thinning and it will also pave the way to your healthy hair.

4.    Fight Infections:
One of the main reasons for hair fall is the infection of the scalp. If your scalp is infected then you are most probably going to lose all your hair from your scalp so what you can do here that you can start using onion. Onion is known to have powerful antibacterial properties that will surely help assail the bacteria of the scalp.

5.    Brings Back Shine: Shine is something that everyone desires in their hair but not all of them manage to get shining hair. Hair problems weaken your hair and the shine of your hair starts hiding but if you use onion on your scalp and hair then it will help restore that shine that you have desired.

Best Acne Treatments!

What is the Most Common Skin Problem?

All of us love our skin and skin is the most sensitive part of our body. A small pimple on the face can impact your overall personality. Pimples, acne, blackheads or whiteheads on the body are really an annoying condition for the people. Acne is a normal skin condition that generally affects most of the people. Acne infection has many forms that can occur on your body such as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts or nodules. They usually occur on the face, chest, neck, back and shoulder. Though this is not a critical condition, it just can make you less attractive. Acne is an inflammation of the skin in which follicles become infected by bacteria, swell up and fill with pus. Excess sebum production by the oil glands is the primary cause behind the acne formation. However, sometimes your skin pores can become clogged by dirt, dust and dead skin particles which can lead to can formation.

Market products and drugs can make your acne problem worse. Home remedies are the better option to get rid of this acne fast and effectively. In this article, we are going to discuss the top home remedies that can help you to get rid of acne fast.

Ice -: Ice compress is one of the best methods to reduce swelling, redness, and inflammation of acne. Ice helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, removing dirt and excess oil from the skin and tightening the skin pores. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient. Always remember that do not apply ice directly to your skin as it can damage your skin. Wrap the ice cube in a cotton cloth and hold it to the affected area for few seconds. Wait for few minutes and repeat this process again.

Lemon -: Another simplest way to get rid of acne is the usage of lemon juice which is rich in vitamin C. A couple of drops of lemon juice work well when applied on the acne.  Lemon juice helps in reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling of the acne and pimples. Ensure to use fresh lemon juice, not packaged items, which might have preservatives. You can try lemon juice in several ways. You can apply lemon juice directly on the pimples before going to bed. Another method is to mix some lemon juice with cinnamon powder and apply to the affected skin overnight. In the morning wash your face with mildly warm water. However, this remedy is not good for the people having sensitive skin.

Toothpaste -:

The toothpaste that you use every morning to clean up your teeth can be also used as a home remedy for treating acne. It is a very effective remedy to get rid of acne overnight. You must use white toothpaste instead of gel toothpaste or red toothpaste. You need to apply some white toothpaste to the affected parts before going to the bed. In the morning, wash your face with mildly warm water you will see the difference in your skin. If you want, you can also use the toothpaste in daytime, be sure the toothpaste remains on your skin for at least an hour. It will reduce inflammation and swelling of acne.

Honey -: Honey has been used for a glowing and pimples free skin for thousands of years. Manuka honey is the best option to get rid of acne fast. It has various healing and soothing properties which can soothe your skin. You can try honey with cinnamon powder. You need to add one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of cinnamon powder for effective results. Rinse your face and pat it dry. Then apply the paste to the affected parts and leave it there overnight.

Aloe Vera -:
You might have heard about the beneficial properties of aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful ingredients that can soothe and heal your infected skin. Aloe Vera is a great source of nutrients, enzymes, and polysaccharides. It acts as an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent which helps to remove the toxins from your skin and also balances the natural moisture level of the skin. You need to extract some aloe gel from aloe Vera leaves and apply directly to the skin. Repeat this process 2- times in a day for some weeks and you will see improvement in your skin.

Herbal products or home remedies are the best options to treat acne than cosmetic products and over the counter medicines. They moisturize your skin from inside and inhibit the growth of bacteria which can cause acne. These natural remedies are the perfect solution for removing acne scars, marks naturally without any side effects.

Diabetes Myths That Need To Be Ignored

The Condition of diabetes is a group of diseases that mainly affects every part of your body. Diabetes also titled as diabetes mellitus by certain medical professionals is a type of illness where the production of insulin gets affected through few reasons or your body doesn't reply well to the formed insulin. Diabetes is a lifelong health sickness which causes the formation of blood sugar level to the extensive level than the acceptable level. The most general variety of diabetes is type 2 diabetes mellitus, in this malady either your pancreas does not secrete insulin or your body does not make use of the produced insulin in the proper way. There’s a large gland in your body called pancreas that is situated behind your stomach to be more specific near to the small intestine that has two main works to perform. The first thing it does is, it secretes digestive proteins that support your digestive system to comfortably digest eaten food and second thing it does is that it secrete insulin which is highly important in order to generate energy in your body and this energy assists us to do day to day work although sometimes your pancreas stops making insulin or produces less insulin than your body requires & this condition is called diabetes.
There are mainly 3 types of diabetes, type 1 diabetes in which the pancreas stops producing insulin, type 2 diabetes where your body secretes fewer amount of insulin or your body does not responds well to the produced insulin & the third condition where your blood sugar level rises high but not that much high that it can be defined diabetes so this situation is stated pre-diabetes. Today we are going to talk regarding certain myths that are airing in the society. We are going to uncover some of the most airing wrong notions. 

 • It’s not detrimental: Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous & serious malady that can affect your existence in several ways. In fact, diabetes causes more demises than breast cancer all over the world. Therefore it’s only a misconception that diabetes mellitus is a mild but not a detrimental malady. 

• Diabetes is caused by consuming too much sugar: It’s one of the most prevalent myths that are airing in the society over a long period of time.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is caused by genetic issues and other unrecognized causes & type 2 diabetes is mainly formed through the lifestyle issues and as well as genetic factors. Hence it’s only a misconception, though. 

• If you are obese, you’ll, in the end, evolve diabetes: This misconception has nothing to do with diabetes mellitus. Yes, it’s a true fact that being fat could put you at the greater danger of catching diabetes mellitus but it's not necessary that you’ll surely get diabetes. You can receive this malady even if you’re a healthy person. 

• It is an infectious sickness: Well this false notion which also has nothing to do with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus isn’t a pathogen linked ailment so that there is no possibility that it is a contagious illness. 

 • People with diabetes can't live a healthy life: People consider that if you’re diabetic, you cannot live an active life. In fact numbers of researchers have shown that an active lifestyle lowers the risk factor of diabetes mellitus & it also helps in prevention of diabetes mellitus.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Arthritis Facts And Its Treatment

Arthritis is soreness of one or more of your joints. The major signs of arthritis comprise of joint pain & stiffness that generally worsen with age. The most common variants of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis   The most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis leads to wear-and-tear damage to your joint's cartilage — the hard, elastic coating on the extremities of bones. Considerable damage can cause bone grinding right away on the bone that leads to pain and curbed movement.

Rheumatoid arthritis
In rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system attacks the walls of the joint capsule, a sturdy membrane that covers all the joint areas. This lining, called as the synovial membrane, gets inflamed & swollen. The disease may finally destroy cartilage and bone in the joint.
Signs And Symptoms
The most common signs of arthritis involve the joints. Subject to the form of arthritis you have, your traits may comprise of: 1. Agony 2. Rigidity 3. Inflammation 4. Redness 5. Decreased range of motion

Natural Cures
1. Mustard Seed 
Mustard seed is herb which can supply some relief from joint pain. A straightforward way to employ mustard seed for joint pain comfort: Make a plaster utilizing warm mustard seed oil and apply it to your swollen, arthritic joints. The warmth this salve creates can aid in augmenting blood flow to the place and give comfort.
  2. Epsom salts
Magnesium sulfate, otherwise called as Epsom salts, is generally used as a soak to comfort aching joints and reduce swelling. Combine some heaping teaspoons into bath water & soak. More localized soaks are generally necessary, particularly for the feet. Keep painful feet in a tub of warm water mixed with 2 tablespoons Epsom salts.

3. Turmeric
A lot of researches have strengthened the fact that turmeric decreases pain and inflammation along with tenderness and swelling of joints. There are also no harmful effects of having turmeric. You simply require adding a dash of turmeric powder inside your gravies & curries to get the benefits.
4. Fennel

The phytonutrients found in fennel makes it a marvelous spice consisting of antioxidant characteristics. Anethole, which tends to be the major constituent of fennel’s volatile oil, aids in diminishing swelling. Vitamin C in it thwarts free radicals that in turn stop agony along with decline of joints observed in osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis. 

  5. Ginger 
It is one herb that can be called a super food. a lot of traditional medicine systems including Chinese, Indian & Arabic herbal medicines have utilized ginger not just for treating arthritis but also for tons of other medical ailments like diarrhea, nausea, colic, & heart ailments.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Are You A Female Smoker? Here's What You Need To Know!

Cerebral is a type of stroke which develops within the brain tissues. This is one of the extremely prevalent diseases all over the world considering the truth; millions of people receive this ailment every year. Both men and women are at the danger of developing the disease of Cerebral haemorrhage. There are factors have been involved which can lead to the Brain Haemorrhage. The factors which can cause Brain Haemorrhage are Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, acute migraine & skull fracture. These reasons can lead to the development of Brain bleed but there’s a prominent danger exists in the form of smoking that can make your infection more vulnerable to the disease of Cerebral. Numbers of experts believe that brain stroke is much more general in the woman who smokes compare to the non-smokers female. 

Brain Study
A recent research has warned all the female smokers through releasing truth that women who smoke extensively are 8 to 9 times more likely to develop Brain bleed than who do not smoke. Numerous studies have found that any sorts of smoking can enhance your risk to the Cerebral haemorrhage. Excessive smoking has the bad influence on your oestrogen level as it can reduce oestrogen level & the reduce oestrogen level degrade vessel walls and make them more prone to Cerebral. Even if you’re a woman who smokes mildly or moderately then you are also at the greater risk of developing the Brain bleed. The danger may more enhance if you have the other sickness which influences Cerebral such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus & certain other ailments. This study was conducted by the lindbohm and colleagues. They’ve collected data on nearly 66,000 adults since 1972. In that study, scientists have discovered that the female who smoke 11 to 20 cigarettes in a day are 3 times more likely to develop Cerebral than who do not smoke. Experts have also explored that the patient who quit smoking effectively, reduced the danger of Brain bleed. After spending six months without smoking, the danger factor of the evolvement of Cerebral decreased down. It’s also discovered by the several experts that age factor & sedentary lifestyle or bad lifestyle can also elevate the danger of Cerebral haemorrhage. 

Smoking Kills
We have to admit that there is no safe level of smoking. If you’re smoking gently you’re increasing your possibilities of evolving the condition of the Brain bleed. So, quitting smoking is the only way that can assist you to decrease your probabilities of evolving the condition of the Brain bleed. Cerebral haemorrhage is mainly proving life-threatening that is why it’s extremely important for every individual to learn how to prevent it. There are certain ways do exist which could be admired in order to prevent Brain Haemorrhage. One of the best ways to prevent the condition of Cerebral is quitting smoking. Since it is the main factor that leads to the evolvement of brain associated issues so, It’s immensely necessary not to catch addiction of it, as far possible, try to completely avoid. Hypertension can be also believed as one of the abundantly prevalent health issues which can provoke the Cerebral haemorrhage. Extensive blood flow forces brain blood arteries to become damage & which could result in Brain bleed.

You might not believe but people who do physical activities are at the fewer danger of evolving Cerebral than the people who live an inactive lifestyle. Performing physical activity helps in managing the disease of high blood pressure, improves brain function, stops obesity & supports you not to be vulnerable to the maladies like Cerebral. The drug such as Coumadin is generally followed to stop the occurrence of the heart attack but overuse of this medication can lead to the evolvement of certain lethal illnesses including Cerebral haemorrhage. Coumadin works by preventing the emergence of the clot that immensely increases the risk of Cerebral. So, be careful when it comes to the usage of Coumadin. There are innumerable matters do exist in which accidental brain injury leads to the Brain bleed. Here what you require to understand that whenever you drive, pursue all safety parameters because doing that can extensively assist you to stop the Cerebral linked to accidental problems. Wear the helmet when you require driving a bike or motorcycle. In some situations, drugs such as Cocaine can cause aggravation of Brain bleed which can be highly deleterious.

Quitting the usage of detrimental drugs can enormously decrease the probabilities of the development of Cerebral. An intensive migraine needs to be prevented in order to not to evolve any cerebral haemorrhage. Learning the management of a migraine can immensely assist you not to be susceptible to Brain Haemorrhage and to other brain linked sicknesses.